Don’t forget! Kona Ice will return today in celebration of our hard work after testing! Snowcones are $4 (cream is available for an extra .50)
The votes have been counted in the North DeSoto Bond Election.
Voters in North DeSoto did not approve the $85.2 million bond plan for capital improvements in District 2.
Vote totals are:
Yes - 642
No - 1,161
Learn more at the link:
Today is Election Day for registered voters in district 2 (North DeSoto) to make their voice heard on a new proposal that aims to take on growth and space challenges with a new high school, updates to the lower elementary, and operating five schools instead of four in the district. Learn more and cast your vote!
The new plan prioritizes many of the priorities identified by the community in the survey including improved traffic patterns and a focus on academic areas instead of athletic spaces. With the $85.2 million bond proposal, district 2 would see:
-Improved traffic patterns
-Expanded NDLE with seven new classrooms, new restrooms, new occupational and physical therapy spaces, new library, new administration offices and removal of T-buildings
-A New High School for 900 students (functional capacity not maximum capacity)
-Increased CTE spaces
-Adjusted capacity for HS cafeteria (900 instead of 1,200 to seat half the student population at once) and gymnasium (1,400 instead of 1,800)
-In lieu of a full theater, the plan includes a 450-seat multipurpose space with audience-style seating. This space could be used for drama, cheer, dance, wrestling and other activities when retractable seating is pushed back.
Mrs. Waller has a shout-out to two of her sweet students! #LEADlikeaGriffin #FeelingGoodFriday
Our parking lot gets very full this time of year as 3 grade levels of children are driving in our shared space.
Please avoid the center parking area if you can during morning arrival and before to 3:05pm. Coming a little later to park for walk up will help let our teenage drivers off campus.
Walk-up in the morning is primarily intended for HS students, employees, families with students with disabilities, meetings, and bringing in other items such as cupcakes or projects to the office. Cars must be parked in a parking space to utilize walkup and a supervising caregiver must walk the child all the way to the crosswalk.
Our traffic lines have not changed. Please enter and follow the bus loop around the school. The inside lane is for 2nd and 3rd grade the outside lane is for 4th, 5th, and family/carpool. Walk-up in the afternoon is the same as well. A supervising caregiver must come to the crosswalk to escort their child to the car. All vehicles must be parked in a parking place.
Public Drop off begins at 7:20 am and dismissal is at 3:13pm.
Practice the "D" in our LEAD expectations by Doing what is right and following these rules!
Thanks #LEADlikeaGriffin
PS: Do not forget to GO VOTE April 27th!
Last call for Yearbook orders! #LEADlikeaGriffin
In a recent survey, 78% of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that the DeSoto Parish School Board needs to do something about the growth in the North DeSoto area.Take a look at the situation in district 2.
There are some camp opportunities coming up for our Griffins that are interested in soccer or wrestling. Please see the attached flyers for more information. #LEADlikeaGriffin
Tomorrow our NDUE PTO will provide students with a popsicle as an incentive for doing their best on day 3 of LEAP testing. Please continue to arrive on time, eat a good breakfast, and don't forget to bring a water bottle.
NDUE Field Day is May 10th! Also, be on the look out for a Fast Pass sign up sheet for those interested in getting a jump on checking your student out on Field Day! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Attention 5th graders! If you are interested in the NDMS Mighty Griffins Band, please see the attached flyer and complete the Google form! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Happy National Administrative Professionals Day to two of the very best! We are so grateful to these ladies for always taking our calls and questions. They are always there to make sure everything flows smoothly in our office and that our faculty/staff and students are always taken care of! Thank you Mrs. Lisa and Mrs. Jamey! We love you! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Attention 5th grade parents! We can't believe how quickly this year is coming to an end. Please join us at the middle school tonight at 5:30 for their parent orientation! We hope to see all of you there!
This morning we got our students fired up for the start of our LEAP Test tomorrow! Thank you to the NDHS Cheerleaders and Dazzlers for coming over and to our teachers for leaving it all on the gym floor as they competed in our pep rally games! It was the MOST fun! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Attention all NDUE 5th grade girls! If you are interested in playing volleyball at NDMS in the fall, there will be a parent meeting Monday, May 13th at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria. Tryouts will be on Tuesday, May. 21st at 4:00 PM. Lady Griffins, please complete the Google Doc (please scan the QR code on the attached image) if interested in trying out. Thank you, and best of luck to you!
In order to allow students, staff and community to travel to Sulphur to support our Griffin Softball team in the championship series, all ND schools will have a Virtual Instruction day Friday, April 26th. Good Luck Lady Griffins! #LEADlikeaGriffin
Today our top athletes from our Desoto Parish Fitness Meet, competed in the Governor's Games at Pineville High School. These students represented Desoto Parish with superior athleticism and sportsmanship! We are proud of all of our athletes but would like to recognize our own Tripp Taylor for placing second in the Shuttle Run and Logansport's Bailey Robinson for placing first in both the 50 Yard Dash and 600 Yard Run! We are excited to report we are showing extreme growth with our team placing 5th overall out of 15 participating parishes! #DesotoStrong #LEADlikeaGriffin
In celebration of our hard work each day after testing, students will be able to purchase Kona Ice at NDUE on the afternoons of April 23, 24, & 30! Snowcones will be sold for $4/each
Early Voting Ends Today! Make an informed vote and know your Tax impact by following the instructions to calculate the tax difference for your family using the video clip below.