Save the date for the MMS Black History Program.
11 months ago, Mansfield Middle School
BLack History Porgram
Save the Date!
11 months ago, Mansfield Middle School
Save the Date
11 months ago, Mansfield Middle School
Mansfield Elementary/Middle School is now partnering with DeSoto Regional Health System to provide school-based tele-heath services for students who enroll. Minor ailments such as ear aches, sore throats, and pink eye can be assessed by a medical provider in the school nurse’s office. If medication is prescribed, the medical provider can electronically transmit the information to the pharmacy selected by the guardian. This is an optional service and is not required. If you have any additional questions, please contact the school nurse at 872-1772 for elementary students or 872-1309 for middle school students. Permission forms will be sent home with students this week.
11 months ago, Mansfield Middle School
MMS family, If your family lives in an area of our parish where travel still remains hazardous from winter weather, please contact MMS during school hours on January 18, 2024, to let them know of your situation.  If your student is unable to attend, an excused absence will be issued due to extenuating circumstances.
11 months ago, Mansfield Middle School
MMS Celebrates Martin Luther King Day.
11 months ago, Mansfield Middle School
Martin Luther King Day
Parent Guides (still waiting for translations) MMS Parents the following link are guides to understanding the State Standardize Test for ELA. This test is now called Innovative Assessment Program (IAP). *Parent Guide to IAP Student Reports-Grade 5 *Parent Guide to IAP Student Reports-Grades 6-8 * IAP For Parents – Understanding the 2023-2024 Student Score Report December 2023 (video for grades 6-8 reports)
12 months ago, Mansfield Middle School
Students return to school on January 8, 2024. Looking forward to seeing all of our students. We missed you!
12 months ago, Mansfield Middle School
January 8
Wolverine Wishes
12 months ago, Mansfield Middle School
Christmas Wishes
MMS students that read 500,000 words or more were invited to a Glow Party on Thursday. The event included Coach Word as the DJ. The students were given glow accessories when they entered the party and were treated to Pizza and a drink. The students were able to play several games and won prizes. All of the students were celebrated and had a great time! Looking forward to the next party for students reading 500,000 words are more!!!!! #WOLVERINESTRONG
about 1 year ago, Mansfield Middle School
Glow Party
Glow Party
Glow Party
Glow Party
Glow Party
Glow Party
Glow Party
Glow Party
Glow Party
Christmas Break!
about 1 year ago, Mansfield Middle School
Christmas Break
Don't forget to attend Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences on tomorrow, 10 AM - 6PM. Students return on Tuesday.
about 1 year ago, Mansfield Middle School
Thanksgiving Break!
about 1 year ago, Mansfield Middle School
Thanksgiving Break
Save the Date!
about 1 year ago, Mansfield Middle School
Accelerated Reader 100,000 word Ice Cream Party! This occurs every 5 weeks. Let's get busy, Readers are Achievers!
about 1 year ago, Mansfield Middle School
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Ice Cream Party
Don't Forget to change your clocks!
about 1 year ago, Mansfield Middle School
Daylight Savings Time End
MMS goes PINK in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. Students and Staff may wear a pink shirt and school approved jeans (no rips, holes, or tears) or uniform bottoms. #BreastCancerAwareness #Pinkout
about 1 year ago, Kyana Rhinehart
pink out
📢📢 📢MMS STATE TESTING UPDATE: Due to internet issues, the state Innovative Assessment has been moved to MONDAY, October 30. 📢 📢📢
about 1 year ago, Mansfield Middle School
Mansfield Middle School will be celebrating MHS' Homecoming Week with themed dress up days. (Please make sure that your students remain in dress code.) #GeauxWolverines
about 1 year ago, Kyana Rhinehart
Homecoming Week
As a part of Manufacturing Month, the Mansfield Middle School 8th grade JAG students toured Louisiana Delta Technical Community College-Ruston yesterday. The students learned about the programs they offer on their campus as well as other the other locations. Instrumentation, welding, and healthcare were the three programs highlighted on the tour.
about 1 year ago, Mansfield Middle School
jag tour
jag tour
jag tour
jag tour
jag tour