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There are several ways to find digital books to read
Log onto Destiny (see following link) (ID# for user name and password)
Log onto MyOn - to get to MyOn you must log onto Clever.com - then find your school. Username is first initial of first name + first initial of last name + Student ID Number password is the student id number Example John Smith ID Number 1234567 Username is JS234567 Password 1234567
Accelerated Reading
Here at school we do everything we can to encourage reading and AR with our students! Accelerated Reader (AR) is the most popular and successful reading product of all time. AR’s advanced technology personalizes reading practice to each student’s current level and builds a lifelong love of reading and learning
All students should read 5 books a nine weeks. Two of those should be chapter books.
Reading Success is as Easy as 1-2-3 with AR!
1. Student Reads a Book. Students choose books at the appropriate reading levels and read them at their own pace.
2. Student Takes a Quiz. Accelerated Reader Enterprise offers more than 140,000 quizzes to help motivate and monitor students’ reading performance and vocabulary growth.
3. You Get Information. You get immediate feedback on the reading and vocabulary progress of each student.
Link for AR Test -https://hosted15.renlearn.com/211543/Public/RPM/Login/Login.aspx?srcID=t
User name is your ID# or AR #
Password is your last name