High School Students, be sure to visit https://www.desotopsb.com/page/summer-challenge-2020 and sign up for ACT and Workkeys Practice. The Google Request Form can be found on this site.
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
HS and Workkeys
Middle School Students...it is not too late to join Khan Academy. Be sure to visit https://www.desotopsb.com/page/summer-challenge-2020.
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
MS Kahn Academy
Due to a schedule change, it's not too late to receive your COVID-19 test. We are proud to partner with the DeSoto Parish Sheriff's Office by offering our campuses for testing. #DeSotoServes https://www.facebook.com/desoto.dept/photos/a.403369326389347/3188431364549782/?type=3&theater
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Another busy day on Google Meet with School and District Administration! Our Principals and Assistant Principals are #DeSotoStrong!
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
DeSoto Administrators