Just a reminder, we will be closed for the Christmas Holidays beginning December 21st. Teachers will return on January 5th for Professional Development. Students will return for their first day of Spring Semester on Wednesday, January 6th. We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
about 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. There are so many amazing people, including our students & families, faculty & staff, and the entire community, that surround our DeSoto Parish School System. We are thankful for each one of you! #DeSotoStrong
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Reminder...all schools and offices will be closed next week, November 23-27 for Thanksgiving Break. We hope everyone has a great week. Stay safe, and Happy Thanksgiving! #DeSotoStrong
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
We hope everyone had a great Fall Break. We look forward to seeing everyone back Monday. #DeSotoStrong
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Today is National Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day. These employees work behind the scenes, making sure our buildings are organized & presentable. Students & staff would agree these employees do so much more. Whether it is helping with car pick-up or just offering a kind word to a student, they are all part of each building’s families. https://youtu.be/oLe5pHaJim8
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Schools will be closed next week, October 5-9, for Fall Break. Students will return Monday, October 12th. We hope everyone has a great Fall Break! #DeSotoStrong
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
hello fall
October is National Principals Month! Help us celebrate these amazing principals for their hard work, especially during these challenging times. #ThankAPrincipal #DeSotoStrong https://youtu.be/73qbdlK_MCU
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Reminder...tomorrow, September 21st, students in grades 6th-12th who are currently on the A/B Hybrid schedule will transition to face to face learning Monday-Thursday, with Friday remaining virtual only. #DeSotoStrong
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Today, September 11th, we celebrate Patriot Day. On this day, let us all come together to remember the nearly 3000 victims who died on 9.11.01. Together, we are #DeSotoStrong #NeverForget #PatriotDay
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Patriot Day
Wishing everyone a Happy Labor Day! We will see you tomorrow! #DeSotoStrong
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
labor day
Schools will be closed Monday, September 7 in observance of Labor Day. Have a safe and happy long weekend! #DeSotoStrong
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
long weekend
School will be back in session tomorrow for all DeSoto Parish Schools with the exception of Stanley High School. SHS students will report Tuesday-Friday this week.
over 4 years ago, Clay Corley
Have a great week
REMINDER: There will be no face-to-face instruction for students Thursday or Friday. Students will participate in remote learning only. Due to the likelihood of power outages in the area during the storm, no “new” learning will be introduced. Students should use this time to catch up on missing assignments and study for upcoming tests. Stay safe! #DeSotoStrong
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Download our mobile app to receive notifications with the most current news and latest information on potential school closures as a result of Hurricane Laura.
over 4 years ago, Sherri Laffitte
DeSoto is committed to equitable access for students with disabilities as we phase back into face-to-face instruction. For more information, click https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/878240/Return_to_School_Statement-Students_with_Disabilities.pdf .
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Reminder, tonight at 6PM, Louisiana Teacher of the Year Semifinalists will be recognized, including MHS teacher Nakia Graham. #DeSotoServes #LAExcellentEducator Be sure to visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/2020-21-dream-teachers-virtual/639246883375167/
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
This Mon, 6 PM, Dream Teachers will host a Virtual Award Celebration for LA Principals & Teachers of the Year Semifinalists. Nakia Graham, MHS teacher was a LA Semifinalist. Congratulations Nakia! https://www.facebook.com/events/s/2020-21-dream-teachers-virtual/639246883375167/
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Desoto Parish Transportation Department is excited to continue the use of the Parent Portal Lite App, Edulog, and are grateful for your patience as we begin the process for this school year. The Edulog App start date will be Tuesday, August 25, 2020. Students should come home with parent information that details the step by step instructions. We feel this app will continue to be a great asset to the Transportation Department, students, and parents of Desoto Parish. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the Transportation Department (318) 872-2798.
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
Last year, during our 2019-2020 school year, the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) presented the District Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness to DeSoto Parish Schools. We were excited to see the story that NIET recently published, highlighting last year’s video. Please visit https://www.niet.org/newsroom/show/video/niet-district-award-of-excellence-for-educator-effectiveness-desoto-parish-schools-louisiana to read the release and see the video filmed during the 2019-20 school year. #DeSotoStrong
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
We look forward to seeing our K-5th Grade students who have been in the Hybrid-A/B Learning Option in the classroom Mon-Thur beginning tomorrow, Aug 17. Fri will remain virtual learning. Again, this is for K-5th that are currently in the Hybrid-A/B Learning Option.
over 4 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools