Career Resources
This has college planning resources, financial aid information, career guidance, and money management tips to help families and students achieve their goals.
ASVAB Career Exploration Program
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is a tool designed to help 10th, 11th, 12thgrade and postsecondary students make career decisions. This free program includes the world's most widely used multi-aptitude test battery and an interest inventory.
This is a site that helps students develop their road to career success.
This site provides a wide variety of career videos to help students see careers in a new way.
The CareerForward course is a self-contained online learning course that may be used in companion with a variety of online career planning tools to provide students with the opportunity to assess their career interests, explore career options and create an educational development plan.
This site features a self-assessment, job targeting, open market, hidden market, interviewing games.
A set of career lessons for teachers to utilize in middle and high school classrooms.
CareerNoodle provides a suite of engaging, authoritative, and easy-to-use career exploration and planning tools for middle, high school and college students. Utilizing active and constructivist learning theories, combined with advanced Web technologies, CareerNoodle was created with a user-centered design process that included the participation of hundreds of guidance counselors, educators and students across the nation.
This site allows you to find jobs, explore career paths, learn which jobs are hot, and get job search tips.
This is a free online career exploration adventure for middle and high school students. Your mission is to fuel your CareerShip by learning about careers. Students can review careers by cluster, review the featured career, match careers to their interests, or search for a particular career.
The place to explore careers related to your strengths, skills and talents.
Dream It. Do It. is the national career awareness and recruitment program for manufacturers. It includes national and local activities to engage, educate, and employ the next generation of skilled manufacturing talent.
Drive of Your Life is a fun online career exploration game that helps middle school and high school students learn more about themselves, higher education and careers. This free educational tool lets kids answer a series of questions about themselves to learn what careers could interest them and then go on a virtual drive to learn more about each of those careers – all in their own customized car.
Making decisions about colleges and careers can seem overwhelming, especially when you are young. If you are feeling unprepared, know that you are not alone. We're here to help.
This site provides a wealth of college and career resources to help you make the best decisions in furthering your education beyond high school.
Here at Job Shadow you can read real interviews from people as they talk about the jobs they do and the careers they have. If you’re career hunting, trying to find out ‘what career is right for me’, ‘what job is right for me’, don’t like your current job, want to career mentor and help others, or just plain curious you can read about and explore the different career options and shadow people’s jobs online.
This site provides a wealth of information on health and medical science careers, as well as an 8th-12th grade college planning guide.
Map Projections & Careers in Geography
In this lesson, students will visit the Globe Projector exhibit in Xpedition Hall and explore the different types of map projections. Students will also use their critical thinking skills to consider different careers that would require geographic knowledge and decide what projection would serve them best for each.
No matter what you dream of doing with your life, preparing yourself for life (and most likely education) after high school is important. Mapping Your Future can help!
There are hundreds of ways to make a living in the military, and many of these careers provide the training and experience needed for a rewarding second career in the private sector. There is no guarantee service members will receive the jobs they want, as the services determine where each individual’s skills are needed most.
The most advanced profile combining a career search and college search into one! Students will create a profile based on their: interest, skills and abilities, values, and personality. Using the profile students will be able to search and save their results to find a career, find the major to achieve that career, and then the colleges which offer that major!
Welcome to your future! Sure the future can seem overwhelming. But that’s why you’re here—to get the info you need to make smart choices and get excited about all of the possibilities.
This site provides an excellent career test for those still unsure about their future and detailed guides on many professions.
This is’s college and career planning site.
National Aeronautics Space Administration
NASA for 9th-12th Students—provides a wealth of information and educational opportunities for students interested in pursuing the aero engineering field.
Planning for college and career can be a frightening and mind-boggling experience for any teenager. Next Step Magazine features articles on all aspects of this important transition period. The articles are updated monthly and archived for continued accessibility. Teens exploring careers will find articles on vocations from biomedical researcher to welder. For those with college preparation on their mind, articles on every topic from acing the SAT to successful study habits to time management and crime on campus are available. If that isn't enough, what could be more convenient than applying
for college right online, using the list of universities and colleges that accept online applications. When a little break from that entire heavy decision making is needed, users can click On the Light Side for a little mood adjustment.
The O*NET program is the nation's primary source of occupational information. Get occupational information on over 950 careers and match your skills to an occupation.
Start owning your own future by exploring resources that will help you on your path to college. The whole site is organized by grade to make sure you get the exact info you need. So that's where we begin...
This website has downloadable curriculum, “Realizing the College Dream” geared to high school students.
Are you ready to play this exciting, educational, and FUN game? Think you’re up to a challenge? Want to know if you can make the right choices in the “real” world? You’ll have a whole new identity including occupation, income, whether you’re married or single, whether or not you have kids, and more. You have a checking account with a register, which will contain the money you earned as your new identity. Then you get to make choices, like the kind of house you’ll live in and what you’re going to eat, based on your identity. Every choice you make costs money, which will be deducted from the money in your checking account. The trick to the game is to see if you can make ends meet and still have some cash at the end.
Are you interested in anything to do with science, technology, engineering, or mathematics? Start here, where there are a ton of great resources for you from everything from figuring out what to do with your life, to getting scholarships to pay to make your dreams come true in college.
This site provides career investigation tools for both individual and classroom career counseling sessions. The Career Game self-assessment and career guidance products are used in thousands of elementary, middle, junior and senior high schools as well as career exploration programs outside the school environment. Self-scoring, color-coded, interest inventory workbooks along with computer options and videos quickly convert hobbies, heroes and favorites into matching job recommendations at four different educational levels.
A lesson plan on career planning.
Real math, real science, and real careers.
Don’t know how much money you will need to earn in the future? Don’t know which occupation to choose? No problem! You will have three options to help you select the right careers for your spending needs.
Choose a career, college major, career pathway that matches your Holland personality type—respected career test, career and college information and advice.
USA Today Career Quest Workbook
Career Quest is designed to help students in their career planning journeys. Students are guided in putting together a portfolio to help formulate career choices.
Students explore the reasons for differences in the wages for several occupations. Then students are guided through the Bureau of Labor Statistics website to find information about their potential careers and wage rates nationally and in their own states.
What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?
A lesson plan for grades 9-12 on planning for the future.
Career education lessons for high school students.
What type of career is best for you? Find out by taking this career family survey.