Good afternoon Griffins! Just a friendly reminder to please turn in your Field Day T-Shirt Order Forms by this Friday, April 16th! A picture of the order form is attached for reference. Order forms were sent home before break, however, if you are in need of a new copy, please contact your child's teacher. #LEADlikeaGriffin

Here’s a Spring Break send off with this week’s NDUE Lighthouse Leaders! Congratulations Griffins! #LEADlikeaGriffin

Check out the Monday Memo to see what's happening at NDUE this week! #LEADlikeaGriffin

Pride Pride Griffin Pride! School Spirit on the North DeSoto campus is alive and well! What a great way to connect fun, fitness, family, and our school community together. Please join us for the Griffin 5K tomorrow evening @ 6:00. The race begins inside beautiful Griffin Stadium!

Here is this week's Monday Memo! Check it out to see what's going on at NDUE! #LEADlikeaGriffin

Good Afternoon! Any students who have signed up for the Griffin 5K or Fun Run will be allowed to wear neon workout clothes or jeans for this week! There is still time for you and your family to sign up if you’re interested! Have a good evening!

Here's this week's Monday Memo! Check it out to see what's happening at NDUE!

Afternoon Griffins, please see the message attached from Mr. Burback! Have a great Monday! #LEADlikeaGriffin

Congratulations to NDUE’s Lighthouse Leader’s of the Week! #LEADlikeaGriffin

Check out our Monday Memo to see what's happening at NDUE this week! #LEADlikeaGriffin

Attention Griffins! Tomorrow is picture day! Please read below for information on ordering pictures and when virtual students will be taking pictures!
Pictures can be ordered ahead of time by going to mylifetouch.com and using the Picture Day ID code (in picture attached). If not ordering online, please send money in the picture day envelope along with your order. Students may wear regular clothes to school. All students will be photographed for the yearbook.
**Virtual students will be photographed between 8:00-10:00am. Please check in through the school office.

REMINDER: There will be no face-to-face instruction for students Thursday or Friday. Students will participate in remote learning only. Due to the likelihood of power outages in the area during the storm, no “new” learning will be introduced. Students should use this time to catch up on missing assignments and study for upcoming tests. Stay safe! #DeSotoStrong

Good evening! As the potential for severe weather approaches, students will not report to campus on Thursday. All students will participate in virtual learning Thursday and Friday. No new learning is expected from students on Thursday; however, they may use this time to complete prior assignments as needed. Students will resume virtual learning on Friday as normal.

Download our mobile app to receive notifications with the most current news and latest information on potential school closures as a result of Hurricane Laura.

Desoto Parish Transportation Department is excited to continue the use of the Parent Portal Lite App, Edulog, and are grateful for your patience as we begin the process for this school year. The Edulog App start date will be Tuesday, August 25, 2020. Students should come home with parent information that details the step by step instructions. We feel this app will continue to be a great asset to the Transportation Department, students, and parents of Desoto Parish. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the Transportation Department (318) 872-2798.

Just a reminder, Superintendent Corley will host another Google Meet tonight at 6:00 PM. District staff will be on the Meet to answer questions you may have in the chat. Join at https://meet.google.com/wfn-itsd-kcv

Students in Middle School & High School will return to campus 4 days per week when the state moves to Phase III. Due to bus capacity and group size restrictions during Phase II, bringing middle & high school students back 4 days per week is not possible. #DeSotoStrong

Virtual Students at all grade levels will continue their current schedule Monday-Friday. Only those students in K-5th grade that are on A/B schedule will return to school 4 days a week, Monday-Thursday, beginning Monday, August 17. Students may switch from Virtual Only into the Hybrid Learning schedule at the end of the 9 week period.

Chromebook Password Information-The student password is the Student ID Number. If the Student ID begins with a 0, then drop the zero. Example: 01234567 the password would be 1234567.

Greetings Griffins! We would like to let you all know that we are encouraging students to bring a water bottle to class this year! Water fountains will not be in use due to Covid-19 precautions.