We're celebrating Mrs. Kourteni Henderson, MES counselor! She works to ensure that students are academically successful and to support their social/emotional needs by providing skills for Anger Management, Impulse Control, Conflict Resolution, and much more. She's the best!
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
K. Henderson
Meet the MES Paraprofessional of the Month for January! Mrs. Gray works with her pre-k students to learn, not just academically but socially as well. She is teaching them to be big boys and girls and do what they need to do to be successful! #MESdifferencemaker
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Para of the Month
Meet our January Teacher of the Month. Mrs. Font moves students! Her students know they are safe and loved and are able to thrive. It's clear that Mrs. Font loves to see her children learning and growing!
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
January Teacher of the Month
Reminder: Thursday, February 2nd is the last day to order a spirit shirt. Money will not be accepted through the office or at SPT conferences. Order forms and exact payment must be returned to school by the student. Teachers will not be able to make change.
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
spirit shirt order form
Because Friday is a virtual learning day, concessions will be sold on Thursday this week .
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Concessions on Thursday
Student-led Parent Teacher Conference Days are Thursday, 2/22/2023 (3:30 PM-6:00 PM) and Friday, 2/3/2023 ( 8:00AM until 12:00PM). Your child and his/her teacher have important information to share with you about your child's progress towards his/her learning goals.
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
SPT Conference Days
We are counting down... the 100th day celebration is almost here!!! Students, faculty, and staff may dress like they are 100 years old or wear a 100th day T shirt with jeans on Tuesday, January 31, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
100th day of learning
We are selling spirit shirts! This year, we are selling short sleeve, long sleeve, and hoodie spirit shirts! Please remember the following when ordering: 1. Spirit shirt orders are due February 2nd. Homeroom teachers will collect order forms and money from students. No money will be collected through the office. 2. Make sure the number needed for each size is listed on the form. In addition, make sure the CORRECT amount of money is with the order form. (Exact payment only. NO CHANGE WILL BE GIVEN.) 3. Make sure the total # of shirts/hoodies are listed at the bottom. Double check that the total amount enclosed is correct. 4. No money will be accepted through the office. Students must turn in orders and money to their homeroom teacher. 5. DEADLINE to order is THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd. at 3:00PM. No money will be accepted during parent teachers conferences.
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
spirit shirt order form
The MES Cookie Dough Fundraiser is underway! Order forms and packets are going home today. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Money and order forms are due no later than February 9th. Students will receive fun prizes for selling cookie dough. Thank you so much for supporting our school and partnering with us to provide special materials, supplies, rewards, incentives, activities, and events for our students throughout the year!
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Cookie Fundraiser
Please share-Download the free DeSoto Schools App from the Apple App Store or Google Play, by searching “DeSoto Parish Schools”. If you have already downloaded, please be sure to update your app, and remember to enable your Push Notifications once downloaded. #TheDeSotoDifference
about 2 years ago, Desoto Parish Schools
Ho, Ho, Ho! Students and staff will be dressing for each day's theme during the week of Dec. 12.
over 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Monday: Holiday Headwear, Tuesday: red, green , and/or white dressy attire 9no jeans), Wednesday:  Tacky Christmas Top Day, Thursday: Polar Express/Christmas PJs
Join us for the MES Christmas Program on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 9:00AM for grades Pre-K-1 and at 10:30AM for grades 2-4.
over 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
MES Christmas Program is on Dec. 13 at 9:00 AM for grades Pre-K-1st  and 10:30 AM for grades 2-4.
Let the games begin! Join us for fun and games on Tuesday, Dec. 13 for MES Family Game Night!
over 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
game night
Are you wondering how you can help your child develop reading fluency at home? Join us Thursday evening at 5:00PM in the cafeteria to learn some strategies and fun things that you can do with your child to improve his/her reading fluency and comprehension.
over 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Take our anonymous survey! It ends Sunday, 3/13. For more information check out this link! https://www.desotopsb.com/article/678310
about 3 years ago, Desoto Parish Schools
Take our anonymous survey! It ends Sunday, 3/13. For more information check out this link! https://www.desotopsb.com/article/678310
about 3 years ago, Desoto Parish Schools
Survey Reminder
Parents, MES is partnering with LSUHS to provide free COVID testing for our students onsite. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dATO65Ifap1KKyPv9X1Z1KU_tNlIP_36wdpVp4SW_UI/edit
about 3 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Parents, we will no longer be able to accept concession money through the office on Fridays. To minimize interruptions to instruction, please make sure your student brings concession money in his/her backpack on Friday.
over 3 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
MES isn't just in the news. We're making it! Watch the MES News Crew in action at https://youtu.be/D5paxWnsRa8
over 3 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
October 27, 2021 The statewide mask mandate has been lifted by Governor Edwards, and we will follow our original operational guidelines which allow mask coverings optional for students and staff. Although masks are optional on school campuses, masks must still be worn on school buses due to the federal transportation mandate. Our district will follow quarantine protocols set forth by the Louisiana Department of Health. If a person is considered in close contact, they must be quarantined to limit the spread of COVID unless fully vaccinated and asymptomatic. We are encouraged by the decline of positive cases in our district. As always, we will continue to monitor the trends of positive cases in our schools and communities and will make adjustments to our mitigation measures if the need should arise.
over 3 years ago, Desoto Parish Schools