Please help us assess and improve our school culture by taking our school culture survey for families by using this link.
over 1 year ago, Amanda LaFollette
We're joining together to care for children around the world by collecting items for Operation Christmas Child! Every year we try to pack 150 boxes to send! We are gathering the following items: PK - Washcloths K - Little toys like small balls, stickers, toy cars, or mini stuffed animals 1st Grade - Coloring Books 2nd Grade - Combs 3rd Grade - Bars of Soap 4th Grade - Socks Staff - Larger toys that can fit inside a shoe box All items are needed by Thursday, Nov. 9th!!
over 1 year ago, Amanda LaFollette
Blue Day for Aubrey #wecare #desotostrong
over 1 year ago, Mansfield Elementary School
blue day
Dot Day is coming!
over 1 year ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Friday is National College Colors Day! Students may wear their favorite college T-shirt or a top that is the color(s) of their favorite college with jeans on Friday. If you can't decide, here are some ideas: LSU - purple and yellow/gold NSU - purple, orange, ULL - red and white ULM - burgundy and white GSU - black and gold LA Tech - royal blue and red
over 1 year ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Students and staff may cheer on our team each Friday with jeans and a spirit shirt!
over 1 year ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Spirit Day
Accidents happen. You can help us show care and restore dignity when that happens. We are in need of items for the MES Care Closet. These items keep parents from having to leave work or home and help get our little ones feeling fresh quickly and ready to learn.
over 1 year ago, Mansfield Elementary School
care closet
MES Open House on Friday, August 4 at 3:30PM - 5:00PM. Meet your child's teacher and find out all about your child's classroom. This is a great time to update contact information and bus numbers and be given a ROOMS invitation with your child's "magic number" .
over 1 year ago, Mansfield Elementary School
open house
What is Rooms? Say hello to two-way communication in DeSoto Parish Schools app! Your child's teachers and school administration teams will be sharing updates, resources, and reminders through Rooms. Rooms will open the door to parent-teacher chat and classroom announcements. To get started or for more information visit
over 1 year ago, Mansfield Elementary School
what is rooms
Parents, Students, Staff-Have you given your shoutout to the person who made #TheDesotoDifference in your school year?
almost 2 years ago, Desoto Parish Schools
Say “hello” to two-way communication in the DeSoto Parish Schools app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/guardians check your email with instructions to sign up and access new features.
almost 2 years ago, DeSoto Parish Schools
say hello to parent teacher chat
Parents, Students, Staff-Don't forget to give a shoutout to someone who made #TheDeSotoDifference this year for you so we can highlight them!
almost 2 years ago, Desoto Parish Schools
Student-Led Parent Teacher Conference Days are Thursday, April 20 (3:30 PM-6:30 PM) and Friday, April 21 (8:00 AM - 12: 00PM). It's important to be informed of your child's progress towards mastery of grade level standards in each content area.
almost 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
We want hear from you! As we approach the end of the school year, let us know who you want to give a shout-out to for making #TheDeSotoDifference in your school year. Complete this quick form so we can highlight those people.
almost 2 years ago, Desoto Parish Schools
DeSoto Parents, Students, Faculty & Staff-Wishing everyone a fantastic Winter Break, February 20-24. We will see everyone back on campus Monday, February 27. #TheDesotoDifference
about 2 years ago, Desoto Parish Schools
winter break
Valentines Day deliveries will be made in the office and held until the end of the day. Staff will deliver items to the students' classrooms . Students will not be called to the office to receive deliveries. Students may not carry deliveries such as balloons, glass vases, or other prohibited objects on the bus. If necessary, please make arrangements in advance to pick your child up from car pick up and inform your child's teacher in advance.
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Mrs. McClain's and Mrs. Wells' pre-k students learned about castles and knights. Together, we worked hard to protect our egg knight! We learned which materials can make safe ARMOR for our egg friend.
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Second graders in Mrs. Fort's class are making progress towards their learning goals in math by practicing composing shapes.
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
geometry fun
learning fun
second graders love math
exploring shapes
Community members and parents of students in grades 2-4 are invited to attend the MES Black History Celebration on Thursday, February 16th at 9:00AM. Students performing in the program and should wear red, green, or black dressy church attire. No jeans.
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
Black History
Orders and money for the cookie dough fundraiser are due Thursday, February 9th. Thank you for partnering with us to support great events, activities, and materials for our children.
about 2 years ago, Mansfield Elementary School
cookie dough