We need our Little Wolverines to be Attendance Heroes! We can't learn if we're not here and we miss so many important things when we're late! Please help us reach our attendance and tardy goals by having students Here Everyday, Ready and On-Time!!!

We are celebrating Grandparents Day in conjunction with our annual Book Fair! The Book Fair is taking place next week - March 17th - 21st. We would like to invite our students’ grandparents to visit during lunch and attend the book fair with their grandchildren! Each grade level will have a different schedule. Unfortunately, we will not be able to arrange for students in different grade levels to attend together, however grandparents are more than welcome to attend more than once if they have grandchildren in different grades! The schedule will be:
Tuesday, March 18th
Kindergarten (Gentry, Harville, Palmer) - Lunch 10:30am - 10:50am
Pre-K (Cooper & Toups) - Lunch 11:10am -11:30am
2nd Grade - Lunch 12:30pm - 12:50pm
Wednesday, March 19th
Pre-K (McClain & Thomas) - Lunch 10:40 - 11:00am
1st Grade - Lunch 11:00am - 11:20am
4th Grade - Lunch 11:20am - 11:40am
Thursday, March 20th
Kindergarten (Firesheets, Head, McCain) - Lunch 10:30am - 10:50am
3rd Grade - Lunch 11:35am - 11:55am
Other visits to the book fair can be planned next week as follows:
All children will be able to visit the book fair during their planned library enrichment time.
Parents may bring students after school on Tuesday and/or Thursday between 3:30 and 4:30pm.
Please let us know if you have any questions. We’re excited to see you!
Use this link for the eWallet-https://www.scholastic.com/bf/mansfieldelemprek4

We met our behavior goal for the week of February 24th, students can celebrate with a Sportswear Day on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Students may wear sports team jerseys, t-shirts, and hats!

Wolverine Weekly #23 is here!

These wolverines showing off their green for Green Eggs and Ham day.

Mrs. Palmer’s March Madness DIBELS Edition- Elite 8 Who will make it to the Top 4??

Mrs. McClain and Mrs. Wells had another friend learn all her letters, letter sounds, and count to 100! Way to go!!!

Ms. Head's class hat day and special reader for Read Across America Week.

Registration is open for 2024-25 Pre-K for 3-year olds and 4-year old!! We are hopeful that we can open a second class for three-year olds next year, but we have to receive enough completed applications by May, so PLEASE enroll today!!!
Children must be 3 by Sept. 30th 2025 to qualify. To register, go to desotoreadystart.com and click on "registration" to get started! Please don't delay!!!

2nd grade working hard during Microphases!

The Mansfield Elementary School Book Fair is coming March 17-21, 2025. Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. Friends and family can even contribute funds! Set one up here: [https://www.scholastic.com/bf/mansfieldelemprek4]. #ScholasticBookFairs

These kids in Ms. Head's class completed their homework last week. Way to go Wolverine!

3rd and 4th Grade Parents - Proficiency Tests begin tomorrow and go through the rest of this week. Please make sure your students have a good night of rest and make it to school on time and ready to do their best each day!!

Mark your calendars, MES will have a Painting with a Pal on March 29, 2025 @ 4PM.

Mansfield Elementary celebrated their first day of Read Across America week with "Cat in the Hat," wear a silly hat.

Next Week MES will be celebrating- READ ACROSS AMERICA /DR. SEUSS’ BIRTHDAY MARCH 3rd ~ March 7th, 2025 Students, teachers, & staff please join us in celebrating Read Across America Week, beginning Monday, March 3rd. Monday (3/3): The Cat in the Hat” day. Wear a favorite hat or a crazy hat! Tuesday (3/4): Dress up as a favorite Dr. Seuss character! Wednesday (3/5): “Wacky Wednesday”. Wacky Hair Day! Thursday (3/6): “Green Eggs and Ham”. Wear green from head to toe! Friday (3/7): “Fox in Sox”. Wear goofy or mismatched socks! You may also wear jeans with your Dr. Seuss wear this week.

Ms. Toups and Ms. Gray are so proud of their friends who know all their letters!

Pre-k colored "You Matter" color sheets and learned they matter! We all make a difference in each other's lives!

You Matter Pledge Drawing:
Kayson Walker- 3rd grade- absent today
Caring Card drawing:
Zhareale Bates- 3rd grade

Kindness Essay Contest
"What "You Matter," means at MES.
-Attention: 3rd & 4th graders
Essay must be 2 paragraphs
Typed or written neatly
Essay Description:
*Describe why kindness is important at our school.
*What does "you matter," mean at MES ?
Essays are due on Friday, March 14th, 2025 and one winner from 3rd grade and one winner from 4th grade will be selected.
Winners will be announced on "You Matter Day," Friday, March 28th, 2025.