Tomorrow is the 100th Day of school. PK-5 Students may wear 100th day shirts and jeans or dress like they are 100 years old. Happy 100th Day!! No pajamas!

Celebrating our 4th-6th scholars and their achievements on last spring's LEAP 2025 assessments

Career students from LHS, SHS and MHS met with reps from UTI & their auto tech program & partnership with Texas Motor Speedway. UTI is also the largest welding/technical training facility in US. On the Houston campus, they also train HVAC & Wind Energy technicians

Career students from LHS, SHS & MHS met with reps from UTI about their auto tech program & with Texas Motor Speedway. UTI is the largest welding/ technical training facility in US. On the Houston campus, they also train HVAC technicians, Wind Energy technicians plus many more.

Alyssa was recognized for scoring all Advanced on her LEAP 2025 test last Spring. This morning she received a banner and a $500 scholarship. Ms. Giles announced that every scholar who achieves all Advanced will receive a banner and a $500 scholarship.

LES 4-6th grade scholars will be honored tomorrow Friday, January 27th at 9am in the Elementary Gym for their academic excellence shown during LEAP testing. Families are invited to attend and stay for the reception following.

Tonights varsity basketball game scheduled at Montgomery has been cancelled due to a leak in their gym. It has been rescheduled for Monday January 30 at 6pm.

Congrats to one of our Senior Band members Michael who was chosen for the LMEA District 8 Honor band and performed with them this past Saturday. During their performance, Michael was awarded the Leon Anderson Memorial Scholarship. Michael plans to major is Music Ed @ JSU or GSU.

These 4 3rd grade boys have mastered ALL of their multiplication facts 0-12.

Attention LHS Parents: Monday, January 16th, DeSoto Parish Schools will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

Mrs. Scarlett Buchanan Walker informing our 7th graders on the impact of their ACT scores as part of their goal planning process for this semester.

Please share-Download the free DeSoto Schools App from the Apple App Store or Google Play, by searching “DeSoto Parish Schools”. If you have already downloaded, please be sure to update your app, and remember to enable your Push Notifications once downloaded. #TheDeSotoDifference

The basketball games scheduled for Friday Jan 6 at LHS are being played at Mansfield High beginning at 5.

School will be back in session for students and teachers on Thursday, January 5th!

Christmas celebration in #TigerNation

Good luck to Kynsie, Marianna and Landry as they have their interviews at the District level for Student of the Year! We are proud of you and for the way you each represent LHS!

Due to the threat of severe weather this afternoon, all after school events (practices, games etc..) have been cancelled district wide.

As LHS supports our friends at North DeSoto High School and the North Desoto Football team on their journey to a state championship, all teachers and students can wear blue jeans and a blue or red shirt on Friday, Dec. 9, 2022. Go Griffins! Take State!

Next week our PK-5th grade students will participate in Christmas Spirit Week!!!

The order for the LES Big Time Fundraiser was delivered to the LHS front office. Parents please make time to come pick up your child's order. If you have any questions, contact Megan Warren 318.697.4338