Your #1 Resource is your individual teacher(s) Google site and Google classroom. Those sites have specific information pertaining to your current classes. This site contains general resources for all grade levels.
MATH RESOURCES: Illustrative Mathematics (IM) Curriculum
Use the links below to help with online learning and home connections.
ELA RESOURCES: Connect 4 Learning (PRE-K), Expeditionary Learning on the Imagine Learning Platform (K-2)
PRE-K: Your teacher will use C4L in the classroom but here are some fun games for you to explore!
To access your ELA Expeditionary Learning resources use our District Clever log-in. Visit your teacher's ELA Google Classroom for more information.
To access your Amplify resources use our District Clever log-in.
Visit your teacher's Science Google Classroom for more information.
Amplify Science blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.
To access your Bayou Bridges resources use our District Clever log-in.
Visit your teacher's Social Studies Google Classroom for more information.
Bridget Flanders: Director of Student Learning
Tina Anderson: Coordinator of Student Learning, PreK Coordinator
Brandon Fontenot: Coordinator of Student Learning, Social Studies and Science Curriculum Focus
Jamie Mathews: Coordinator of Student Learning, Data, ACT Prep
Lainee Cosby: Executive Master Teacher
Willa Smith: Supervisor of Student Learning, ELA Curriculum Focus, AP/CLEP, Summer Learning
Jasmine Taylor: Coordinator of Student Learning, Mathematics Curriculum Focus
Mary Parker: Student Learning Secretary