NDMS would be honored for family, friend, and community veterans to join us Friday, November 8. If joining us, please complete the Google document. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdS204oxll-oU72YjRQMkgy_z2Ho7tu4RWG8NNPNUFs0gZiAg/viewform
NDMS #GriffinsServe and with so many communities in our country devastated by recent hurricanes, we as residents of Louisiana know all too well how difficult it can be for these communities to recover. If you would like to help, here is a way to pay it forward. Students that contribute $10 to the Cajun Navy, that are tirelessly serving the communities devastated by Hurricane Helene, may wear school approved sweatpants on the following Mondays: October 21st, October 28th, November 4th, November 11th, and November 18th. Money must be paid by Monday, October 21st and should be turned into Ms. McClain or Mrs. A. Warren.
NDMS Griffins: you may wear school approved jeans (no rips, holes, or frays) with a spirit shirt tomorrow.
7th grade ELA collaborating to
Identify our multiple characters' perspectives to help in determining theme. These Griffins are leading and learning. Grade day to learn at NDMS! #bettertogether #GriffinsLEAD #GriffinsLEARN #GriffinStrong #GriffinPride
Coach Martin had learners being leaders, working with circumference of a circle. Mrs. Farmer's and Delgado’s classes worked together to create a “Math-Lib” while solving problems involving circumference of a circle. #bettertogether #MathRocks #GriffinStrong #DeSotoParishIsBest
NDMS extends a huge THANK YOU to Deputy Herring for coming to speak with Ms. McClain’s Career WIN students this morning about career opportunities in law enforcement. You are #TheDeSotoDifference! #DPSO #backtheblue #ServeAndProtect #BetterTogether
Attendance Matters! Griffins, help us reach our school wide goal of ➡️96%⬅️. If we meet our school wide goal, all Griffins earn a jean day reward. However, the grade level with the HIGHEST PERCENTAGE earns a 🎉FREE DRESS DAY🎉! #EveryDayCounts #BePresent #NDMSJeansDay
NDMS Medical Detectives: your first quarter field trip permission slips are due tomorrow.
Great night at Fields of Faith!
NDMS students: Auditions for High School Musical, Jr. have been moved to after school Wednesday, October 23rd in Mrs. S. Falls's room. The pick-up time will be 5:30 pm. Anyone interested in auditioning can pick up a packet in the front office. Please bring the completed packet with you to your audition! If you have any questions, please ask Mrs. S. Falls or Mrs. Lowe.
Our NDMS Band had a great time supporting our NDMS Griffins last night winning both games against GMS. It was also national gumbo day and one of our band parents made gumbo for the band. #bettertogether #GriffinPride #GriffinStrong #Griffinband #NationalGumboDay
Help us congratulate our 8th grade Griffins! They won their game against GMS 36-6. Way to go! Great job, Griffins! #GriffinPride #GriffinStrong #NDMSGriffins #GriffinFootball
Help us congratulate our 6th/7th grade Griffins! They won their game against Greenacres 52-26. Way to go! Great job, Griffins! #GriffinPride #GriffinStrong #NDMSGriffins #GriffinFootball
NDMS yearbook is collecting new or gently used shoes for our fall fundraiser. We have one bag full and still need more shoes for the other. Please consider donating your gently used or any new shoes you might have so we can fill more bags.
Huddy’s Lemonade is doing a pop-up Lemonade Stand at NDMS this Tuesday evening at the pink out football game! Come show your support!! 100% OF ALL PROCEEDS GO TOWARDS ST. JUDE!!!!!💗🎗️🎗️💗 Cash, Venmo, or you can pay directly to our St. Jude fundraiser link…👇 https://fundraising.stjude.org/site/TR/Heroes/SJMMW?team_id=308665&pg=team&fr_id=154861©_link_share&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR03_zeYMOpL-8GGPy9JnZJPLI53SRdARByJ46GCFhwprXaC8Oczvr9Hh24_aem_ARTD9C9RptMSNbv6jdSffg
Shout out to our NDMS Red and Blue teams competing October 6. Sadly, Red lost both of their games and were eliminated. Blue won their first game but lost their second. They continued to play more games winning their third and fourth before falling short in their fifth.
Middle Griffin Monday Memo - 10/14/2025
Save the date: Fields of Faith, Wednesday, October 16 @ 6:00 PM, Griffin Stadium
NDMS is proud to recognize the Mighty Griffin PTO. This PTO started just a couple years ago and they are the real deal. We can’t thank our PTO enough for all the hard work and dedication they put into our teachers and students. Thank you for all you do Mighty Griffins, you are #TheDeSotoDifference!
NDMS wrestling fundraiser - Salute to service! Order yours now. https://hometownspiritshop-ndmswrestling-salutetoservice.itemorder.com/shop/home/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2Wx7NfezF3gqV2SdtM3vhrsLZSqPLXqv_hNNY2nIeAKqUgEChV_oe4S_c_aem_cdTy4y13rMQpiiP_SfiiWA