There are three apps that are useful for all parents to have or know about. These apps can be downloaded on smartphones, accessed by a computer/web browser, and are available on school provided chromebooks.
Class DOJO - This is the app that is used by staff to track student behavior. Students are expected to follow our Little Griffin SOAR (Safe behavior, On task, Act respectful, Responsible choices) behavior expectations everywhere they go at our school. Positive and negative behavior is tracked. Students are regularly rewarded for their positive behavior within their classroom and once a nine weeks school wide (like this week's free dress/spirit shirt day). Students receive at least one (usually several) verbal reminders by the teacher before a negative (red) dojo point is given to the student. You can check out your student's behavior anytime on the app. This way of tracking allows both parents and school staff to see where and when a student may need extra support for success with their behavior (i.e. unsafe behavior when lining up, off task during instructional time, etc.) Please reach out to your teacher if you need help setting up your DOJO account.
DeSoto Parish Schools App - This app is where ROOMS is found. ROOMS is the main form of communication directly to your child's teacher. This app also has access to the DeSoto Schools website where our Parent Hub, Students Progress Center, School websites, and every other kind of information you may need about our district. Call our office at 925-2383 or email if you need assistance setting up ROOMS.
CLEVER - The Clever app is where all of our District provided technology apps are located. Students can log into CLEVER using their QR code. Only Kindergarten and First grade have access to CLEVER at this time. Ask your teacher if you need a QR code for your child.