General Information
Morning Arrival
Student Drop Off is 7:15-7:40 a.m.
Walk your student to the office after 7:40.
The tardy bell rings at 7:45.
Students are dropped off in car line or bus line. No walk-ups unless it is after 7:40.
Click here for a map of morning carpool.
All students may eat breakfast free of charge in the cafeteria from 7:10-7:40.
Afternoon Dismissal
You are required to show your I.D. in the office when checking out students.
The latest time to check a student out is 2:30 p.m.
People who have permission to check out your child must have a copy of their I.D. on file with our secretaries. You can send a note or email.
Transportation changes must be made by 12:00 p.m. Send a DATED note to your child's teacher or email our secretaries and If emailing please call to make sure we received it.
Anyone coming through carline to pick up your child must have a current 2024-2025 car tag.
Please adhere to the car line map found here. If you do not, you will be asked to move to the end of the line.
Parents may line up in carline at 2:40. We begin dismissal at 2:50.
Other Information
Send any notes or money for your child in their folder. Teachers check folders daily. If it is loose in their backpack, it can get overlooked.
Send money in an envelope or ziplock bag labeled with your child's name, their teacher's name, and what the money is being used for. Please send exact amounts.
Label all jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes, and water bottles with your child's name. If something is lost, you are welcome to come check with the office to see if it is in lost and found.
If you have problems with a Chromebook, please call the office at (318)925-2383. There is a $50 replacement fee for damaged chrome books and a $10 fee to replace a charger.
Keep your child home if experiencing symptoms of illness. Call the office at (318)925-2383 to speak with our school nurse if you have questions.
All students can eat lunch free of charge in the cafeteria.
Students may wear spirit shirts with uniform bottoms on Fridays only.