Monday Memo

Hi Parents!

This year our Monday Memo is published in a new format. Links to past weeks Monday Memos will be posted here for your convenience. This way you will have access to all the information found in each publication.

August 5-9

August 12-16

August 19-23

August 26-30

September 3-6

September 9-13

September 16-20

September 23-27

Sept. 30-Oct.4

October 14-18

October 21-25

Oct. 28- Nov. 1

Nov. 4-8

Nov. 11-15

Nov. 18-22

Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 2-6

Dec. 9-13

Dec. 16-20

Christmas Break

Jan. 8-10

Jan. 13-17

Jan. 20-24

Jan. 27-31

Feb. 3-7

Feb. 10-14

Winter Break